"Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3
The St. John’s parish is a dedicated and resilient Body of Christ, bringing its experience and expertise to the life of the parish, whether that is in teaching Adult Education, gathering around the altar for Holy Eucharist, or in outreach to our community at large. Generous in spirit and purse, our compassion and acts of kindness toward each other and the greater community provide this parish family with meaning and purpose – a ministry of hospitality.
As a parish and church family, we have struggled during these past 20 months, living in the Covid pandemic. Our challenges – though present, in many cases, for years - became more apparent. Communication breakdowns became more frequent and consequential, especially as we were forced to face the technological challenges of our older members. Our creative energy and “parish life,” already in a season of discernment, were set back even further. Add it all together and you get a picture of parishioners who are each dedicated in their own way to the ideal of St. John’s, but less intentional tending to each other’s needs.
During this time of transition and reflection, we are emerging with new energy, passion and a focus of what church will look like post-pandemic and how we can continue to share God’s love by blending our treasured traditions with new ministries as St. John’s enters into a new era of opportunities and possibilities.