We’re calling a priest to partner and serve with us, as we continue our tradition as a parish that is open, accepting, encouraging, and welcoming to all.
Our hope is to find a spiritual guide and partner who will live among us, inspire and energize us, connect us to each other, and help us find a fresh vision and direction. Someone who’s equally adept at hanging with and shepherding the intellectual diversity of our adult education classes, and injecting energy into programs to form up our youth (and youth to come!).
We’re looking for a team-builder and an around-the-corner thinker, who can benefit from the experience and expertise of our aging lay leaders, and help us convert it into something we can shine on our whole community, and beyond. Our preference and hope is that our next rector will be our neighbor and live in our community, but it is not a requirement.
If you’re that priest, we welcome you to apply now by sending your resume, cover letter, and OTM profile to our diocesan transition minister, Jennifer Phelps: phelps@indydio.org. She can also be contacted at (317) 361-9464. Materials are being received through Monday, April 25th.
Within this profile, you’ll find much of what you need to know about our parish and community by visiting the links below.

Finally, below you’ll find a link to a series of "updates" to the congregation about our transition work as it unfolds. Should God ordain it, your name may appear in one of those messages soon! Until then, welcome. We can’t wait to meet you.
The St. John’s Discernment Committee